The new and long awaited version of the Internet Explorer (IE7) is now available for downloading. I have downloaded, tried it and here are my initial thoughts. Well, it does not quite make it, not enough for me to stop using my Firefox browser. Not to get too technical, here are few examples. First is the implementation of the "favicon.ico". Ie7 has improved the support of this handy web page icon.... but it comes up short. If the format is not exactly it expects in the exact location it will not display the favicon.ico for the page in the browser tab or in the bookmarks.

Firefox does already support multiple formats and locations of the favicon.ico file. Minor point for some but why didn't Microsoft get this right is beyond me. The other is the way Firefox is much more intelligent and forgiving of html formatting issues. I run into several problems with this blog page where it would display as I had intended (by my modifications of the template) on the Firefox browser and very unpredictable results when using the Ie6. It does not matter if Ie is 100% compliant with the html specifications, what matters is that Firefox has enough smarts to help the users by forgiving certaing missing tags and still display as intended. Lastly, Firefox still feels a little faster and more intuitive than Ie7. Oh yes, one last point, Firefox 2.0 now checks your spelling as you input. Incorrect words are red underlined in real-time. Firefox is in the lead as far as I am concerned.