Saturday, October 15, 2005

A new bloggler in the house

It never ceases to amaze me what kids can do with technology today. After I struggled to learn how to customize the blog, I went over the steps with Keita so they can do further decoration of his blog. He and his friends soaked it like a Sponge [Bob Square Pants].  Obviously they can do that because they do not get side-tracked by analyzing every single step in the process or any preconceived notions of how it should work. Anyway Keita and his friends are having fun blogging. Go BlOgGeRs Go!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Not too early to blog

For a short period of time I was uncertain if I was doing the right thing, but now I am sure. It is not only fun but it is also inspirational and educational. This weekend my kid and I spent time together setting up his own blog. The design was a combined effort but the final touch was definitely his. The time of the year could not be better as Halloween is his favorite holiday. It will give him inspiration for a few posts. Click on Keita's Blog to visit his blog.