Sunday, August 13, 2006

It is progress

There are signs we may see a reverse of certain trends of the recent past. Where quantity trumps quality; where more information is available but not communication; where politics and rudeness trumps morality and civility; Where more is written and planned and less is accomplished; Where more is available but less time to use or enjoy; Less time for reflection and more time spent in conferencing and re-planning;
There has been much technology progress in the last 30 years, I long for using all this progress to improve the communications and civility amongst friends, adversary, business acquaintances and co-workers. There are some signs this may be happening. Believe or not, businesses are discovering the benefits of improving the lives of workers and customers. If for no other reason they know, happier workers and clients equals more productivity, quality and profit. Let’s welcome their new focus even if the motive is just the bottom line. It is a beginning.

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