Sunday, November 11, 2007

Can Pluto Be Saved?

Vote to save Pluto. Yes, I mean the planet Pluto. Vote here and also here These are only two of many organizations and officials trying to reverse a decision taken by the IAU (International Astronomical Union) with regard the status of Pluto and like celestial bodies.
Here is some background. Sometime last year the IAU decided to change the definition of a planet. So far nothing wrong with that. The problem is the process to ratify that proposal was flawed as it excluded the great majority of the more than 9000 organizations members.
If you take a few minutes and watch the the video of the "IAU General Assembly" you will be utterly unimpressed regarding their procedures and voting fairness to their members at large. Consequently, their votes regarding Pluto is not regarded with respect by their community and the public in general. Their procedure, as you can see in the video was at best sloppy and presented, or should I say, dominated by a obnoxious lady name Virginia (did not catch her last name) bullied the audience and procedures. She also should learn to use the microphone off or mute button to avoid her bossy remarks to the president of the IAU organization from being heard by everyone. Click here for the video:

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