Thursday, March 06, 2008

Brazil shifts to creditor status

I couldn’t help but feel a little pride of my old country when I first heard and later read this Bloomberg news article, see the excerpt below. Brazil, the “B” of the BRIC countries, has been on its long march to recovery away from decades of misguided policies of the 60's through the 80's to a bright future which has long been the expectation [or national hope] of every Brazilian.

This should not come as a total surprise; Goldman Sachs has published various research papers going back to 2003 predicting the growth and economic success of the BRIC countries. Read this one, it predicts that by 2050 the BRIC will be larger than the G6 economies.

The headline: Brazil shifts to creditor status - From Bloomberg News - February 22, 2008

Brazil, the world's largest emerging-market debtor for decades, became a net foreign creditor for the first time in January.

International reserves, swelled by investment inflows and record exports of agricultural commodities and oil, probably exceeded gross foreign liabilities last month by about $4 billion, Banco Central do Brasil said Thursday….” See full story.

Eu senti orgulho de meu velho país quando eu ouvi, e mais tarde li este artigo de notícia da Bloomberg, veja o excerpt acima. Brasil, o “B” dos países BRIC, depois de décadas de recuperação das mas políticas dos 60’s aos 80’s, finalmente ve um futuro brilhante que apezar das dificuldaded é a expectativa [positiva] de todo Brasileiro.

Isto não deve ser uma surpresa; Goldman Sachs publicou vários papéis de pesquisa em 2003 que predizem o crescimento e o sucesso econômico dos países de BRIC. Leia este, ele prediz que por volta de 2050 o BRIC será maior do que as economias do G6.

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