Saturday, September 12, 2009

Reflections on The Rainmaker

Just watched The Rainmaker, a 1997 motion picture directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Besides being an excellent movie, I highly recommend it, as it is a very appropriate story for our times. Although I know it is a fictional story, the Rainmaker shows us that for profits organizations, such as the Great Benefit Life Insurance Company must be on a tight leash by government to keep their greed in check. I know that our nation’s health coverage problems are more complex, so I searched the web about an analysis of this movie as it relates to our actual health cares system. I found a paper published by “University of Memphis Law Review Volume 26, Number 4 (1996), Health Insurance Coverage for High-Cost Health Care: Reflections on The Rainmaker”. By no means has it left the insurance companies off the hook, but it shows why our government must take action to address our nation’s health and affordability crisis.

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